Introducing DoD’s Newest Voice


Baseball fans are a funny group. We all thrive for the pace the regular season takes on, relishing the fact that our sport plays games nearly every single day from April through September. The offseason is where we break off into different groups, however. Some watch and speculate on every potential decision their team may make over the course of the winter. While others would prefer to hibernate until Spring comes around again. There are varying degrees of overlap between the two groups, but generally speaking it would seem that a lot of people “pay attention, but don’t necessarily follow” when there aren’t games being played. I’m speaking about baseball fans, not simply Nationals fans.

For much of my nearly-30-year-old life (or, at least since I could remember) baseball has been a passion, hobby, and obsession of mine. I grew up playing, watching, and talking about the game as often as I could. Math may have been my least favorite subject in school but I was drawn to statistics. I still recall the near four hour car rides we’d have to take around the holidays to visit my grandparents in Massachusetts (I grew up in New York). I’d sit in the back seat of my parents’ car and read the latest copy of Baseball America that we’d always purchase at a rest stop along the way. I’d read every article and dissect every box score.

While baseball has been a major part of my life for many years, my ability (and opportunity) to play it competitively passed by long ago. I grew up dreaming of playing in the Majors, like most of you readers most likely. Yet, life had a different plan. I still manage to remain connected to the game thanks to the fact that I have been given numerous great opportunities to write about it, beyond just writing for my school paper back in high school.

Since May 2010 I have been managing my own blog about the game of baseball in general entitled Blogging From The Bleachers. I contributed to the great from June 2010 until June 2011. And since May 2011 I have served as Co-Editor at

Writing isn’t a new path for me, yet it’s one I feel I’m continuously improving upon as time passes and I am able to essentially practice my craft more and more. It’s a hobby and quickly becoming a passion. And now I have a new outlet for that passion, here at District on Deck.

My name is Aaron Somers. I am the new Editor here at DoD, as of October 2011. I hope to build upon the foundation that my predecessors started since this site’s inception and turn DoD into one of the premiere sources of news, views, rumors, and opinions regarding the Washington Nationals. There are other Nationals blogs out there – ones I’ll cite, link to, and disagree with on things – but my hope is to make DoD the first one that you, the readers, come to visit for your Nationals news.

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