A rant, two games and some catcher decisions for the Nats

First off, a little rant: If anyone needs a college thesis paper this year, whether you’re a communication major or a business major or something in between, how about this? This year’s past world series was huge. Everyone watched it. Which was followed by the Super Bowl being the most watched TV event of all time. And now to round it off the most watched Olympics of all time has just ended which included the most watched hockey game of all time. Don’t believe me? You can look it up. This now leaves the question as to why? Is it money? The absolutely harsh winter most of the country, if not all is suffering from? Or something else? You can let me know. That’s your homework assignment.

Now onto Nationals news:

The Nats have two games this Thursday, dividing the team into two and  MLB.com writer has the lineup here.

Notice some names missing?

First off, for whatever reason, Ryan Zimmerman will not be playing and will start this Friday against the Braves.

Also, catcher Jesus Flores is apparently still recovering from his surgery and is not ready to play in any exhibition games, leaving Ivan Rodriguez and Wil Nieves in on Thursday, with the word being the latter more likely the starting catcher.

I have to say because the team is being split in two, I feel like Thursday really shouldn’t count, but at the same time it’s exciting. It’s finally here. Get excited. Sure these are practice games but they’ll give us all a taste of what the Nats will be able to do this year.

Also, if you have time, look this over and see if you can do anything to help: http://findchelsea.com