Jeff Rosenberg: December Nats Town Fan of The Month

The holidays have arrived and clearly no one is thinking about baseball. Jeff Rosenberg on the other hand has at least one hemisphere of his brain dialed in on the  Washington Nationals. He is among the few who possess the entire collection of bobbleheads distributed by the Nationals since baseball returned to the district. Jeff’s closet rivals that of Imelda Marcos, as he is overwhelmed at times when selecting his jersey and lid for game day. The passion Jeff exerts toward the Washington Nationals is absent from most fans, such as the fair weather season ticket holder showing up to the stadium donning their David Ortiz jersey for the Boston series. When the home team is heckled and overwhelmed by opposing fans the motivation for our players to perform is stunted. The district is a transient area as people shuffle in and out, so it can be difficult to build a strong fan base. Yet there are those Rough Riders out there that can begin to connect through Teddy Never Wins soon putting Nats Town on the map with Redsox and Yankee nation.

The collection of bobbleheads, jerseys, and hats are not the only variables for selecting Jeff as the fan of the month in December. Even with a work load from law school that requires a prescription for coffee beans, Jeff manages to impress his professors submitting top quality work while watching every Nats game on replay through MLB TV. He will budget to pay his MLB TV subscription and eat Ramen noodles, but occasionally he treats himself with a trip to Nats Town sitting in the Red Porch awaiting a Mr. Walkoff special delivery.

People close to Jeff understand what the Nationals mean to him, especially his girlfriend who recently surprised him with a priceless birthday gift. She delivered the prized possession, which was a personalized bobblehead of Jeff. That is right, Nats Town home grown Jeff Rosenberg in full Nat’s gear transformed into a bobblehead. This was the separation needed to put Jeff over the top for this month’s selection, so congratulations to you Mr. Rough Rider. Thank you for your dedication and standard established for other Rough Riders to uphold.

Any Nat’s fan who believes that they have what it takes to be the January fan of the month here at Teddy Never Wins please follow these steps.

1. Register on this site

2. Email your nomination at

Don’t forget to include:

A. (Subject) RE: January Fan of the Month

B. A description of the attributes and/or accomplishments making your case for fan of the month.