A tough year lies ahead for the Washington Nationals. Here are five things they must do to be successful in 2018 and beyond.
The Washington Nationals start the 2018 season under tremendous pressure.
From Bryce Harper’s possible impending free agency to getting over the playoff hump, this is a defining year for the franchise. How Washington navigates this perfect storm will get talked about for years to come.
Hyperbole? No, not really. Rarely has such a talented team found themselves under the gun. Long gone are the days when the Nats were happy simply making the playoffs. Just getting back is not enough.
But, aside from the obvious, what must Washington do this year? How do they balance the need to win now with keeping their championship window open into the next decade?
2018 is like a senior year in high school. All those storylines left unresolved for years wrap up before final exams followed by, hopefully, a massive celebration. Sure, the story continues but, something is not the same.
A rather anxious scenario for Washington, no?
Go back to the question, how do they balance the present and the future? What the Nats are good at is trying to find that balance. Although the short-term goal of playoff success remains unsolved, the seeds are there for continued success past this year.
Now, as the trucks in Florida are packed for their return to DC, the time for planning is over. The season is here and expectations are through the roof. Here are five things the Nats must do to win this year and protect their future.
As easy as making a three-bean salad with only a can of kidney beans.